C does not support a motion of censure against Morgan Johansson

C does not support a motion of censure against Morgan

On Thursday, the Sweden Democrats submitted a request for a no-confidence vote against Minister of Justice Morgan Johansson (S), and referred, among other things, to the police’s handling of the Easter riots.

The Moderates, Christian Democrats and Liberals support the no-confidence motion – but not the Center Party.

“The government needs to do much more to increase security for people. But. It is not achieved through a political game that does not solve any problems, 100 days before the election “, Lööf writes on Friday.

The C-leader further refers to the uncertain state of affairs:

“We are in a very sensitive security policy situation, in the middle of a NATO process and in a time of an alarming spiral of violence with deadly gang violence, we as political leaders must be able to take responsibility, gather strength to make up, have the strength to work together to achieve results ”.

Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson (S) has said that the government may fall if the no-confidence motion against Minister of Justice Morgan Johansson goes through.

– If you remove a Minister of Justice on political grounds, then you remove the entire government, she said on Thursday.

Read more:

Distrust can force Morgan Johansson to resign

Magdalena Andersson: I may resign
