By checking box T on their income tax return, these families can deduct more than 4,000 euros from their taxes.

By checking box T on their income tax return these

This checkbox is essential, since it allows you to obtain an increase of half a share or several tax shares.

Every year, when the traditional income declaration campaign opens, many French people desperately look for tips to benefit from some tax advantages. The main objective being to pay less taxes. But you still need to know about it, because very often, filling out your tax return is a real headache. For families who have dependent children, the mission can even prove to be even more complex as there are so many elements to take into account, which are unfortunately often ignored. One box in particular can make the difference, and it concerns many families, particularly single-parent families.

In general, it is found in the “Single parent” section on the online declaration or on page 2 of paper declaration no. 2042. This is box “T” which is aimed, as its name indicates, at single parents, in other words, at all single people, who live alone and not in a cohabitation, with a dependent child. This checkbox is essential, since it allows you to obtain an increase of half a share or several tax shares. As a reminder, “if your tax household includes several people, the tax calculation takes this into account to set your number of shares. This is the family quotient. This mechanism has an impact on the amount of your tax. It notably reduces the tax burden for families with children”, the authorities explain.

To be considered as such, the condition of “single parent” must be met on December 31 of the tax year, therefore on December 31, 2023 for the 2024 declaration. Thus, “if you have one or more children for whom you are effectively responsible, even if you receive alimony for their maintenance”, you can check the box in question, details the Public Finance website.

In terms of savings, this year, this tax advantage is capped at 4,149 euros for the first exclusively dependent child. In the event of alternating residence, the advantage is divided in two, or 2,075 euros. You should also know that if you have taken in a disabled person in your home, you are entitled to an increase in part of your family quotient.
