Buzzi Foundation, the “Punto Lilla” project is born in Milan

Buzzi Foundation the Punto Lilla project is born in Milan

(Finance) – The Obstetrician-Gynecological Clinic of the Buzzi Hospital in Milanwith the support and collaboration of Buzzi Foundation, will open on Wednesday 11 May the Lilac point, the space for the promotion of women’s health which will be based in Jerusalem stop of the Lilac metro.

Doctors of the obstetrics and gynecology department – explains the Foundation in a note – will give information and distribute material on the prevention of reproductive diseases, pregnancy planning, the peri-conceptional phase, pregnancy and the period after childbirth. Information will be given on the role of nutrition, lifestyle, folic acid intake and vaccinations aimed at improving pregnancy outcomes and ensuring the well-being of the newborn and future child. We will talk about what the period of “The first 1000 days” means, breastfeeding, the microbiome and the importance of the early stages in planning future life and maintaining health.

In addition, they will be provided practical information on counseling centers, vaccination centers, hospital outpatient clinics, the delivery room and the entire network structure for the best assistance, which is so important in the woman’s fertile period and for the future baby. L’health promotion activity dedicated to women will be carried out every Thursday from 2.30pm to 5.00pm.

“We are very happy with this inauguration which represents a further step in our journey aimed at guaranteeing the well-being of new mothers and those who will soon become so. We care – she comments. Stefano Simontacchi, president of the Buzzi Foundation – to offer a special thanks to the Lille metro which makes the space available for free, allowing us to keep faith with our strong commitment to providing continuous support to our mothers and their children “.

“Metro 5 – he says Serafino Lo Piano, CEO of Metro 5 SpA – is always at the side of the Buzzi Foundation also in this initiative aimed at women who will find in the Punto Lilla a space for listening and information dedicated to them. Line 5, hosting this significant project, confirms its vocation as a place of aggregation and access to services “.

“Our intent – underlines Irene Cetin, director of the Women’s, Mother and Newborn Department of the Buzzi Hospital in Milan – is to give simple information to all women, their partners and their families, on how to promote, through the behaviors of daily life, including nutrition, a conscious and optimal start of pregnancy, to reduce the development of pathologies and promote a normal course both for the health of the future mother and for the future life of the unborn child “.

L’inauguration of the Lilac Point it will take place on Wednesday 11 May 2022 at 11.00 at the Gerusalemme stop of the Lilla metro.
