Buying Automata – Never talk to them again

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

The US site Kotaku reports on a 21-year-old woman who found an unusual topic of conversation on the Tinder dating platform: the 2017 Japanese action role-playing game Nier: Automata (PS4, PC, Switch). she convinced 22 men to buy the game. There is even praise for this from Yoko Taro, the mastermind of the game.

What did the woman do? In a tweet, the woman who introduces Kotaku as Jen says (via twitter):

I used to roam around Tinder getting guys to buy Nier: Automata and then ignored them afterward. I think I got down to 22 guys when I quit. I mean I never said I slept with them – I actually just talked a lot about the game and recommended it: high sales mean more Taro games.

Jen Nier: Automata helps young woman overcome depression, but no one wants to talk to her about it

Why did she do that? Speaking to site Kotaku, Jen says she was going through a tough time with depressed thoughts when she came across Let’s Plays of Nier: Automata and developed an obsessive love for the game.

She ended up on Tinder because she had no one else to talk to about Nier: Automata, and she seemed keen to talk about the game.

The more intrusive men became, the more she talked about the game

How did Matches respond to your enthusiasm for the game? Jen admits that some matches didn’t sit well with it, especially when she was gushing about the intricacies of Nier: Automata. If a man told her it was a good game but there wasn’t much to talk about, she would have dismissed the man and gone to the next one.

But some would have chimed in on their enthusiasm for the game:

It was crazy how many men bought it. Many actually expected something from me: I often had to read how much they wanted me to wear the 2B uniform for them.


Nier:Automat also became a defensive mechanism for Jen. The more intrusive the men on Tinder became, the more engaged they talked about the lore of the game.

Many of her Tinder dates would have liked to see her in this outfit.

Why did she stop doing that? Ultimately, Jen admitted that what she was doing was “pretty fucked up,” though she firmly believes the games deserve more credit from her idol, Yoko Taro.

“I finally stopped doing it because I realized how easy it was for me to do stuff like that. I mean, some came off as really gross, but others might just not like the game or be keen on analyzing it that much, and I probably hurt their feelings by just disappearing.”


Today, Jen still talks about Nier: Automate, but to people on Discord who are just as excited as she is.

Final Fantasy XIV: Here’s why you should play Nier Automata

Director of Nier: Automata greets the young woman with “Glory to Mankind”

This makes Jen happy now: The story of the woman who got people excited about Nier: Automata on Tinder has spread all the way to Japan and reached her big idol Yoko Taro, the director of Nier: Automata (via twitter).

He commented on Twitter: “Glory to mankind!” and shared the link to the quirky article.

Jen writes, “I’m crying at work right now. Being noticed by the legend itself made me overjoyed.”

MeinMMO community manager Irina Moritz, who is enthusiastic about Nier: Automata herself, explains: “Glory to mankind” is a greeting from Nier: Automata, which uses androids in the game because they were created by humans and serve them. Fans of the game have since adopted this, for example ending their tweets about Nier with “Glory to mankind.”

We recently reported on MeinMMO about a Tinder date among gamers that did not end in a relationship:

Twitch Streamer Tells CS:GO Date – “I can’t have kids with someone who is so financially irresponsible in the game”
