Buy and upgrade heirlooms in WoW

Heirlooms make it easier for you to reach the maximum level in World of Warcraft. The items are extremely useful because they increase with your level and even give bonuses. MeinMMO explains how you can get heirlooms, upgrade them to level 70 and use them correctly.

This guide was updated on June 4, 2024.

Heirlooms are items in WoW that you can use to make the leveling phase easier, primarily for secondary characters (twinks). There are heirlooms for every class and every specialization.

Since leveling was completely reworked with Shadowlands, heirlooms also have new effects. MeinMMO tells you where you can get them and how to use the new heirlooms correctly.

The new expansion The War Within is coming soon. Heirlooms are ideal if you want to level up a character beforehand:

WoW: The War Within – All major features of the new expansion

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Faster leveling in WoW: Heirlooms for strong bonuses

Heirlooms can accompany your twinks from level 1 to the maximum level. However, you first have to invest a lot in the armor pieces and weapons – because you have to upgrade them so that they constantly level up with you.

These are the set bonuses:

  • 2 parts: Recovery is consumed 30% slower
  • 3 pieces: Increases regeneration in the outside world, normal dungeons and battlefields when not in combat
  • 5 pieces: When you reach a new level, you deal damage to nearby enemies and gain 40% of your main attribute for 2 minutes. Killing enemies extends this bonus by up to another 2 minutes
  • 6 parts: Recovery is consumed an additional 30% slower
  • Rest is obtained in towns and inns and increases the experience you receive from killing enemies. It is consumed up to a maximum value and lasts longer if you wear heirlooms.

    Heirlooms up to 70: Upgrading and costs

    Newly purchased heirlooms reach their maximum at level 30 or 29 – from this point on they no longer level up with your character. In order for them to serve you well up to level 70, you have to upgrade them. Note that they stop growing with you one level below the respective level. The levels for the items therefore end at 29, 34, etc.

    Heirlooms can be upgraded up to 6 times. You can get the items for upgrading from:

  • Krom Strongarm in the Hall of Explorers in Ironforge (Alliance)
  • or Estelle Gendry in the Rogue Quarter in Undercity or in Orgrimmar (Horde).
  • Upgrading heirlooms costs you a lot of money – significantly more than just buying the heirlooms, although the amount has been significantly reduced after much criticism. If you want to upgrade the heirlooms, you pay:

  • for armor upgrades between 500 and 5,000 gold, depending on the level.
  • for weapon upgrades between 750 and 7,500 gold, depending on the level.
  • for a piece of armor, a piece of jewelry or an off-hand from 30 to 70 18,500 gold pieces.
  • for a weapon from 30 to 70 27,750 gold pieces.
  • for a set of five pieces of armor and a weapon 120,250 gold pieces.
  • You can get all the items you need to upgrade from the heirloom dealers. Here you can also get cards that unlock all the flight points in a certain area. These are toys that you have to buy once for the entire account. They cost 10,000 gold per card.

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    How to buy heirlooms

    You can get heirlooms from different sources and for different currencies:

  • for prize tickets of the Darkmoon Faire at Daenrand Lightwreath on Darkmoon Isle
  • for Seal of the Champion from Dame Evniki Kapsalis at the Argent Tournament (requires Exalted status with every race of your faction and the Argent Crusade as well as the achievements to be a champion)
  • for badges of honor from your faction’s honor merchants in Orgrimmar, Stormwind or Wintergrasp
  • for service medals from merchants in Boralus and Dazar’alor
  • for gold from guild and heirloom traders
  • Some heirlooms are also offered by the merchants of the Battle Guild
  • We only recommend the first three options if you happen to have a lot of the required currencies left over anyway – farming them specifically takes too long. In this guide, we will therefore limit ourselves to the option of buying heirlooms with gold.

    Heirlooms are also available at the Argent Tournament in northern Icecrown.

    Heirlooms from the Guild Trader: Parts and Costs

  • Headpiece: 500 gold pieces, requires friendly reputation
  • Cloak: 500 gold pieces, requires friendly reputation
  • Pants: 500 gold pieces, requires good reputation with the guild and guild success Even better teamwork
  • To get the heirlooms from the guild trader, your guild must be level 20. There are tons of level guilds in the guild browser that are specifically designed for twinks. Often, these are just about leveling up quickly, not about social interaction.

    To purchase the equipment, you also need reputation with the guild, which you can earn with any character through quests or PvE and PvP in groups with other guild members. So it’s best to buy the equipment with a character who has the reputation and has been in a guild for a long time – ideally in a guild that already has the required achievement.

    You can find the guild traders in the cities of your faction and in Shattrath. Just ask a guard where he is and you will get a marker on the map.

    Heirlooms at the Heirloom Dealer: Parts and Costs

  • Shoulders: 500 gold pieces
  • Chest: 500 gold pieces
  • Weapons and shields: Between 500 and 750 gold pieces
  • You can get the items from your faction’s heirloom vendor, Krom Stoutarm in Ironforge or Estelle Gendry in Undercity. After the Battle of Undercity, Estelle can also be found in Orgrimmar.

    You don’t need any reputation or achievements to buy these heirlooms. You can simply buy them and have them in your collection. You can find the locations of both vendors in the gallery above.

    Heirloom rings as an alternative to armor

    There are various rings that are also set bonuses and that level up with you:

  • Dread Pirate Ring: Available every Sunday through the Stranglethorn Vale Fishing Contest.
  • Admiral Taylor’s Ring of Loyalty: Agility Ring, available through the rare naval mission Bank always wins in your garrison shipyard on Draenor.
  • Captain Sanders’ Lost Band: Ring of Strength, available through the rare naval mission Full of Hate in your garrison shipyard on Draenor.
  • Signet of the Third Fleet: Intelligence Ring, available through the rare naval mission The Lady of the Sea in your garrison shipyard on Draenor.
  • You can wear any of the rings from the garrison together with the Dread Pirate Ring. However, they cannot be combined with each other.

    Jewelry and weapons – good, but optional

    If you have enough gold left and want to equip your twink as best and as comfortably as possible or just want to complete the collection, you can also get corresponding weapons and jewelry. However, these only serve the purpose of ensuring that you always have more or less optimal equipment and for the set bonus.

    Since the loot from dungeons is on average above the item level of the heirlooms anyway, you can also fill weapon and jewelry slots with such items. However, you will receive a mount that you can use at level 1 if you have collected 35 heirlooms.

    This chic chauffeur mount is available as a reward.

    What are heirlooms good for?

    The main reason why heirlooms are generally the best gear for twinks is the set bonuses you get from them.

    Heirlooms also adapt to your level. They are always almost the best items for your current level. Since an adjustment, items you get from dungeons are a few item levels better on the way to the maximum level, but the set bonus is extremely useful. And you don’t have to swap them. If you don’t know what you want to play yet, here are the 3 best classes for beginners and returning players in WoW
