Buy a dog? Here are the mistakes you need to know: “Common Problem”

Buy a dog Here are the mistakes you need to

A popular element in many households is to expand the family with a small doggy. Every year, thousands of dogs are sold to new owners around the country.

Although it is a popular way to expand the family, there are several situations that can go really wrong if you are not careful and thorough before and after buying a dog, that means Teresa Holmquist who is a lawyer focused on insurance and contract law.

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The problems you must avoid when buying a dog

According to her, there are several problems you should be aware of in order not to risk ending up in litigation or in a situation where you entered into an agreement you cannot get out of.

– A common problem is that the buyer signs an agreement without understanding its meaning, which can lead to misunderstandings and disputes. For example, the seller can make unreasonable demands regarding the retention of breeding rights or the like, she says News24.

And as if that weren’t enough, if the seller demands to have breeding rights to your new pet, there are additional situations you should avoid.

– Another risk is buying a sick or injured dog without being aware of it, especially if there is no clear agreement or if the dog has not undergone a proper veterinary check. Then there may be a question about when the error occurred and who is responsible for paying the costs to remedy the error.

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According to Terese Holmquist, it is always the person who has the animal in their care who is obliged to ensure that it receives care if it shows signs of feeling unwell. She explains that this also applies if the costs are actually to be borne by the seller, then you as the buyer may have to bear the costs because it is your responsibility to care for the animal.

– It is not always certain that it is possible to prove that it is the seller’s responsibility because it is complex to determine when a fault has occurred on a live animal, she explains.
