Butshan’s massacre tells of soldiers’ frustration and “scorched earth tactics”, says military professor

EPN in Eastern Ukraine People are very worried This will

Frustrated Russian troops have retreated from the outskirts of Kiev, leaving behind great devastation. The military professor estimates that Russia will continue to work to secure the land connection to the Crimean peninsula.

Russia has been charged with war crimes after hundreds of dead were found in Butcha, including in mass graves. According to the military professor, the killings of Ukrainian civilians spoke of the frustration of Russian troops.

– Russian armed forces have been fighting there for five weeks already. It may be that the leadership is out of control and these individual fighters are doing arbitrary acts, Military Professor at the National Defense College Marko Palokangas assesses in the morning interview.

However, Palokangas considers it more probable that the Russian forces have acted in a controlled manner. The massacre uncovered in Bocha, for example, speaks of a systematic war of destruction.

– Is there an order or approval given at the time of withdrawal for a “scorched earth tactic” in which nothing intact or alive should be left behind? It is now being considered and interpreted here.

The Russians failed in their goals

The human rights organization Human Rights Watch says it has documented several suspected war crimes by Russian military forces against civilians in Ukraine, including in Chernivtsi, Kharkiv and near Kiev. According to Palokangas, the Russian troops have failed in their goals and are now acting accordingly.

– Russia has denied suspected war crimes. One does not want to commit oneself to the facts that are happening there, but systematically violates the rules of war. It says it is the first phase of a badly failed operation.

Russian armed forces have withdrawn from the areas around Kiev over the weekend. According to Palokangas, Russia is now seeking to mobilize its forces on land, sea and air. After replenishing and servicing the troops, the soldiers head east and into the Donbas region.

– It must be remembered that the Black Sea and the Sea of ​​Azov are under Russian rule. For the time being, it will be possible to use the maritime element to secure the land connection to Crimea.
