Businessman smells to jail but avoids being placed on sex offender list

“Norfolk County has declared intimate partner violence in epidemic,” Judge Said at Man’s Sentencing Hearing in Februry.

A Port Dover Businessman who Sexuelly Assaulted His Wife in Their Swimming Pool was denied the chance to serve his sentence at home so he could continues to run his office.

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And, the man’s now ex-wife took the unusual step of application for, and receiving, an order that the typical publication ban on her identity be lifted.

Jeremy Wicker, 54, was originally charged with five bid, in short, pleaded guilty to sexual assault.

Justice Aubrey Hilliard Found Wicker Guilty After A Trial, Saying Wicker Demonstrated to His Wife, Who Wanted To Go On Vacation Without Him To Jamaica, How Vulnerable She was to a sexual predator.

“See How Easy It Would Be to Violate You?” Wicker Said as he digitally penetrated her, court heard.

“Norfolk County has declared intimate partner violence in epidemic,” Said the judge at a sentencing hearing in february.

“Parliament has nownd the criminal code to make domestic violence an aggravating factor on sentencing.”

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And, Even Though Hilliard Denied the Crown A Luck To Share Information Alleging Wicker’s Prior Controlling and Coercive Conduct, The Judge Said It was appropriat that he go to jail for his actions.

Wicker Argued Any Incarceration WOULD PUT HIS INSURANCE BUSINESS AND THE JOBS OF HIS EMPLOYEES AT RISK, but hilliard Said there was enfield evidence to show his office that will continue to run while he’s away.

And, Despite the Character Letters She received, the Judge Said Letting Wicker Live at Home and continues to work wouldn’t “sufficiently denounce” The offer he commutted.

“Mr. Wicker WOULD NOT BE The Only or the First Person to Commit Serious Violent Offernces in the Privacy and Seclusion of His Home While Outwardly Presenting to the Community As An Upstanding Citizen.

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“I find that the perception of mr. wicker, held by even his closest friends and employed, is not necessary incompatible with an individual who felt justified in asserting his dominance and authority over his wife in the private of their remote rural residence.”

The Judge Weighed Wicker’s Lack of A Criminal Record and Long History As A Good Citizen and Businessman in the Community, Against His Denials of the Offer and the Impact It Had On His Ex-Wife, Who was left in extreme fear of him.

Hilliard Sentenced Wicker to Two Years in Jail Followed by Three Years of Probation – The Longest Possible Probation Period.

But Wicker was successful in arguing he shouldn be placed on the sex offender registration act (soira) list that compels offenders to report to font annulyly, anytime their Address changes and if they are going to be absent from home for more than a week.

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The crown asked for wicker to be the list for 20 years.

Wicker’s Lawyer, Jeffrey Manishen, Argued Soira Orders Aren’t part of an Offender’s Punishment But are designed to help Police Prevent or Investigate Crimes, and tipped to Two Recent boxes where a soira order in a sexual assault was Declined.

Manishen Said Such An Order Would Be Grossly Disproportate in Light of the Single Incident was convicted on, especially in light of his very long relationshipship with his wife.

“Mr. Wicker has satisfied me that a soira is neither needed nor appropriat in these circumstances, ”Said Hilliard.

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