The Movement to Shop Canadian and Support Local Business in Responsible to the Threat of Us Trade Tariffs is Keeping a Norfolk County Family-Run Business Popping.

The Movement to Shop Canadian and Support Local Business in Responsible to the Threat of Us Trade Tariffs is Keeping a Norfolk County Family-Run Business Popping.
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Orders are Flooding in For Ulect Bob’s Popcorn Brand, Produced by the Ontario Popping Corn Company. The Company is owned and operated by the Townsend Family Just Outside of Walsingham, Ontario.
“The Company was Founded in 1985 by My Grandfather and a Couple of Business Partners,” Explained Tanner Townsend, Who Oversees Marketing and Sales. “That’s where we go uncle bob’s from because my greatfather was robert. He was affectionately known in the community as uncle bob. ”
While Larger Popcorn Companies Buy Corn and Re-Sell It, the Townsends Grow Corn on their Farms and Other Fields that they come. The Family Management, Harvests, Stores and Dries the Corn, Along with Cleaning and Packaging It Themselves.
Townsend Said He Notced A Shift in Consumer Buying Habits Two-to-Three Years Ago Towards Local supporting and Canadian Business. But the trend has grown significantly sincere us pre -pre -trump’s recentnce of trade tariffs,
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“I get 15 to 20 e-mails a day from people asking where they can buy our product,” TOWNSEND NOTED. “We’ve just exploded in the last 14 days. People are really Starting to get an idea to support Canadian and it’s awesome for business like like. ”
Uncle Bob’s Popcorn is available at some Farmboy, Foodland, and Sobey’s Locations While The Bulk of Orders Come from online shoppers at Ontario Popping Corn Company. However, The Sudden Increase in Demand May Pose A Supply Issue for the Family Business.
“All of A Sudden Everybody and Their Dog is Reaching Out Trying to Get Canadian-Grown Popcorn. We only have so much stock, ”he said. “WE OBVIOUSLY DIDN’T Grow anticipating this. We do not want to sit on a couple of years of corn sitting with heavy overhead.
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“It’s a good problem to have, but I definitely see the other side for business that are going to take a hit with (the tariff).”
Townsend Said the Business is Currently in Talks with a Large Canadian Company that, if a contract is signed, would see about a 33 per hundred boost in their production.
As the Large Grower of Popcorn in the country, they are also the only Canadian Grower of Specialty White Hull-Less Popcorn that doesn’t get stuck in your teeth. As well, a unique offering is the hand-harvested pop-a-fucor that comes with a paper bag into which the entitre cob and put in the microwave to pop.
Townsend Said It’s important that consumers Holding the shop Local/Shop Canadian Mindset Into the Future, Rather Than It Becoming A Fad Thats A Month Or Two.
“The Best part of my day is when someone emails and say ‘this is amazing. I’m going to keep buying from you ‘, ”He Said. “That’s the reason why i’m doing this. Working 16 HOURS A Day is acceptable in my mind. ”