Busch’s actions may have damaged the NATO process

Magdalena Andersson (S) condemns Ebba Busch’s (KD) Turkey statement, despite the puddling.
According to the party leader, it may have damaged the NATO process.
– This type of statement will not promote trusting talks between Sweden and Turkey, Andersson tells TV4 Nyheterna.

The Social Democrats’ party leader Magdalena Andersson is not satisfied with yesterday’s outburst by Ebba Busch, where she said that Sweden should withdraw its aid to Turkey.

– This type of statement will not promote trusting talks between Sweden and Turkey, she tells TV4 Nyheterna.

It was on Tuesday that Busch told Aftonbladet that Sweden could withdraw aid if the country is not helpful in the Swedish judicial system’s hunt for the “Kurdish fox”.

– Aid should not go to countries that refuse to take responsibility for their citizens, that expose the Swedish people to terrorist-like acts and that put Sweden in an unsafe situation, she told Aftonbladet at the time.

Today 12:21

Ebba Busch backs down from her “Kurdish fox” statement

Can harm the NATO process

Magdalena Andersson also believes that the statement may have a negative impact on the ongoing NATO process.

– This type of statement from the deputy prime minister is clearly not good for cooperation with Turkey, she says.

– The NATO process does not need more sticks in the wheel, she continued.

But Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson believes that it was all about a misunderstanding.

– It was probably a misunderstanding from several different quarters. It was more of a general picture that countries that do not want to cooperate with Sweden in various difficult situations, for example taking back their own citizens, should not receive aid for natural reasons, says the prime minister to TV4 Nyheterna.

Backs off the statement

On Wednesday morning, Ebba Busch puked and backed away from the threat of the withdrawn aid.

– It is not relevant to cut off any aid, she tells Aftonbladet.

But Magdalena Andersson believes that the damage has already been done.

– A deputy prime minister has a great responsibility for how one expresses oneself and she was very specific and clear in her comments, says the party leader.
