Busch: Review immigrant voting rights

The Christian Democrats’ party leader Ebba Busch wants to review the right of immigrants to vote in general elections, reports The evening paper.
– We allow people to vote in municipal elections fairly easily. It can freak out a majority in an entire municipality, says Busch, to the newspaper.

According to the KD leader, there are risks in letting people who are not Swedish citizens vote in municipal and regional elections.

– People who are not Swedish citizens but have lived in the municipality for only a few years can suddenly vote in the municipal election. There you can think about where the annual limit should go. Or should suddenly, with a large influx of a few thousand citizens from another country, the entire orientation of a municipality be affected? It’s not really reasonable, says Ebba Busch to Aftonbladet.

Today, the requirement to participate in general elections is that you have lived in Sweden for at least three years. That time Bill Busch now extend, but how much she does not specify.

Recently, Busch and other KD representatives have come up with several proposals to deal with what they consider to be a lack of Swedish values ​​among certain groups in Sweden. Party colleague Alice Teodorescu Måwe, who sits in the EU Parliament, has suggested, among other things, that whoever applies for citizenship in Sweden must recognize Israel’s right to exist.
