Bus stopped after suspected terrorist calls

Bus stopped after suspected terrorist calls




full screen Belgian police on guard after the killing of two Swedish football supporters in Brussels last autumn. Stock photo. Photo: Martin Meissner/AP/TT

A bus on its way from Lille to Brussels has been stopped in Belgium, after a woman raised the alarm that four fellow passengers were discussing terrorist acts.

– She called the police and they could do nothing but stop the bus. The people have now been arrested and are being interrogated and the bus is being examined by a bomb dog, Justice Minister Paul Van Tigchelt tells the newspaper Het Laatste Niuews.

Whether there are really any serious terrorist plans is still unclear. Everyone on board has been allowed to leave the bus and served food and drink.

Belgium has long been on a high level of terror preparedness after several Islamist terrorist acts in the last decade. In October, for example, two Swedish football supporters were shot dead by a radicalized Tunisian who had his asylum application rejected.
