Bus driver beaten by passengers – passed out from shock

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The police were alerted to an assault just after 4pm on Friday afternoon.

– A passenger who has been on the bus ended up in some sort of dispute with the bus driver and slapped him. It is unclear whether it was an open or closed hand, but it was on the cheek, says Samir Cehic, on-call preliminary investigation leader.

The bus driver fainted after the blow, and has not yet been able to be questioned by the police.

– The ambulance examined him. He most likely fainted because he was shocked by the incident, rather than physically injured.

There must be three witnesses to the incident. They saw the perpetrator running away from the stop.

– We will check the video cameras on the bus to identify the man, says Samir Cehic.

The police have not arrested anyone and the incident is being investigated as violence against an official.
