Burns, headaches, brain damage… after extraterrestrial encounters?

Burns headaches brain damage… after extraterrestrial encounters

The request was made officially more than four years ago. And that’s it. The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) has just handed over to the Sunthe British tabloid, more than 1,500 documents telling “abnormal encounters”. Especially with UFOs.

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[EN VIDÉO] What is this UFO filmed from the ISS?
Regularly, the cameras of the International Space Station (ISS) film unidentified flying objects, aka UFOs. Satellites, debris or stages of launchers, when they are not simple reflections in the windows: these images are the delight of ufologists. Here, we see an object going in the same direction as the ISS, a little lower and (logically) a little faster. Let’s dream a little.

Between 2007 and 2012, the US Department of Defense conducted a covert Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP). Understand that he studied very closely the question of UFOs. Those who have long been called Unidentified flying objects and which scientists today generally prefer to call Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena (Pan). To free them from the extraterrestrial connotation.

It was in 2017 that AATIP was revealed to the public. When Luis Elizondo, the former director of the program, posted some videos from an unidentified device after he resigned from the Pentagon. A type request Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) was then filed by The Sun, the British tabloid, so that all documents related to the program are revealed. The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) has just accessed it. By entrusting the newspaper with more than 1,500 documents.

According to The Sun, some of these documents are troubling to say the least. And it’s not a April Fool ! For example, a letter written by Senator Harry Reid in 2009, noting that AATIP has already identified “several highly sensitive and unconventional aerospace technologies”. technologies that may require “extraordinary protection”.

Even more disturbing, a report dated March 2010, in particular. It is titled “Anomalous Acute and Subacute Field Effects on Human and Biological Tissues” Where “Effects of abnormal acute or subacute fields on human tissueand biological ». And he describes alleged injuries to “human observers by anomalous advanced aerospace systems” some of which are even considered as “threats to the interests of the United States”.

Revelations to be taken with a grain of salt

This report would be built around 42 cases accompanied by medical records and 300 cases “not studied” humans injured following alleged encounters with “abnormal vehicles” — and others would exist, but would still remain classified. Among which, UFOs. Among the injuries recorded: burns, brain or nerve damage, heart palpitations or headache . Often linked to electromagnetic radiation and vehicle propulsion systems.

The report also offers a list of alleged biological effects of UFO sightings that took place between 1873 and 1994. A list compiled by the Mutual UFO Network (Mufon), a nonprofit group of civilians who study such phenomena. These tell ” a pregnancy unexplained”, “five sexual encounters”, “an apparent abduction”, “paralysis” and experiences of“telepathyteleportation and levitation ».

The conclusion of this astonishing report is as follows: “There is evidence to support the hypothesis that some advanced systems are already deployed in the United States and remain opaque to our understanding. » Note, however, that The Sun — famous for his sensationalist leanings — has yet to share the contents of the 1,500 documents provided by the DIA. And that nothing is known about the verification process that AATIP used to investigate these alleged cases. Thus, the greatest caution remains for the time being as to the solidity of these “revelations”.

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