Burkini: Eric Piolle sells off women’s freedom in the name of “Good”, by Abnousse Shalmani

Burkini Eric Piolle sells off womens freedom in the name

We now know that the burkini is “social progress” thanks to the mayor of Grenoble, Eric Piolle. Details that it is the green city councilor who has “degenerated” the playgrounds, which consists of removing the football field and installing wood chips, to the great dismay of the students… There is no anyone’s idea of ​​having the girls play football with the boys. When we know the dramatic percentage of children in morbid obesity, we say to ourselves that it was exactly the thing to do (this is an irony). Short. The same recently decided that it was inadmissible that Muslim women could not access swimming pools. Because the Muslim woman does not show her skin, does not offer her body as a spectacle to the lustful eyes, necessarily lustful, of men. Because the Muslim woman is necessarily veiled and necessarily in a burkini.

The skin, the body of women is therefore officially taboo in the swimming pools of Grenoble. That the full lycra swimsuit reveals the shapes even more and contradicts the modesty demanded by the Koranic text, what does it matter! We must give pledges to the Islamists who have plagued the town hall. The Muslim woman must be reduced to the infamy of her body.

But Eric Piolle also allows women to bathe topless. Because everyone dresses as they want! Not only, the veil or the burkini are not clothes – if they were only scraps of fabric, why make them the alpha and omega of Islam? If these are just innocuous pieces of fabric, why is it so difficult to remove? And how to imagine that women would dare to show their ass when others cover themselves? The pressure of the gaze, the feeling of being naked in the middle of covered women, the embarrassment, the discomfort… But Eric Piolle, like the vast majority of the new left, is obsessed with one and only thing: racism. Because, dear readers, know that Morocco and Tunisia are racist countries. The burkini is prohibited there. The burkini is only an outward sign of Islamism, the burkini, like the veil, is only the outward sign of the degradation of being a woman.

I invite Eric Piolle to go to Afghanistan

Meanwhile, in Afghanistan, the inclusive Taliban, after authorizing and then banning girls from middle and high school a few hours later, again imposed the burqa, while asking women to stay at home. They are not allowed to go out alone, to go to parks on the same day as men, or to travel without a guardian. Since the fall of Kabul in August 2021, the only ministry working is the Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice. Child beggars have never been so numerous, malnutrition is ravaging, the income of the Taliban state is limited to customs duties and taxes, but the only thing that matters to the Taliban is women’s bodies. I suggest that they deny Afghan soil to women so that they don’t even have to share the same oxygen anymore. And I propose to Eric Piolle to go to Afghanistan to meet women wearing burkas and explain to them the social progress represented by the veil – full or not.

We also learned that La France insoumise was stronger and more effective than justice. In five days, as they hammer on all the airwaves, they solved the “problem” Taha Bouhafs, accused by women of sexual violence. In five days, the testimonies were received, the victims testified and Taha Bouhafs is no longer a candidate. And as the victims do not want to file a complaint for not participating in racist France, the problem is definitely settled. “Muslim Brotherhood to live it together”, split a post where they rejoiced that the women did not bring the case to racist white justice.

How did we get there ?

Neo-colonialism forgives the Arab for raping women, because the Arab does not know what he is doing. How could he? All these uncovered women, topless, leg exposed to view, plunging neckline, are temptresses! Sayeed Qutb, the thinker of the Muslim Brotherhood, said it already during his trip to the United States in 1949: “The young American girl is well aware of the seduction exerted by her body. She knows that this seduction lies in the face , the expression of the eyes, and her greedy lips. She knows that this seduction lies in round breasts, full buttocks, shapely thighs, in the softness of her legs. She knows it, she shows everything and does not care. don’t hide”. The Muslim woman must therefore be contrary to this description of lust and temptation. If only they were veiled! If only racist white France respected cultures and imposed the veil on all, there would be no more rape! Look at Iran, Saudi Arabia, Algeria! There are no raped, assaulted women in these countries that respect the natural concupiscence of men who are victims of women’s skin (this is an irony).

I don’t know how it is possible for an elected mayor of a French city to be so uneducated. I don’t know how it is possible to hear from the mouth of a French elected official the same arguments as the Islamists of forty years ago in Iran. I don’t know how it is possible to consider as racism the rejection of an abject politico-religious sign, which creates an impassable border between men and women, which reduces women to their sexual bodies, which sends women back to sin and only to sin and clears men of their desire.

I don’t know how we got here. At this point of ignorance, at this point of old-fashioned paternalistic racism, at this breaking point between citizens. But I know one thing: Eric Piolle will go down in history for having sold off women’s freedom in the name of Good.
