Burkinabè Hugues Fabrice Zango wins the gold medal in the triple jump

Burkinabe Hugues Fabrice Zango wins the gold medal in the

Burkinabè Hugues Fabrice Zango won his first world title in the triple jump with a mark of 17.64m during the World Athletics Championships on Monday in Budapest. This is the first gold medal in the history of Burkina Faso at the World Athletics Championships.

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Hugues Fabrice Zango, Olympic bronze medalist in Tokyo, delivered a high-level competition with four jumps over 17.20 m. He took the gold medal ahead of two Cubans, Lazaro Martinez, silver medalist with a triple jump measured at 17.41m and Cristian Napoles, who achieved a centimeter less (17.40m), his record. Zango took first place in the absence of the star of the discipline, the Portuguese Cristian Pichardo, and after the injury of the young Jamaican prodigy, Jaydon Hibbert, victim of a muscular problem during the competition.

There was no shortcut for me. Since 2019 [et sa médaille de bronze aux championnats du monde d’athlétisme, NDLR], I really dreamed of a gold medal and today I got it after four years. I’m really happy with what I was able to produce and it should relax me much more for next year and the Olympics. I have the tools to get big performances “Says Hugues Fabrice Zango, the world champion, at the microphone of our special correspondent in Budapest, Cédric de Oliveira.
