Buried friend under log and stone – sentenced

Buried friend under log and stone sentenced

Published: Just now

full screen The incident occurred in Burgårdsparken in central Gothenburg. Archive image. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

A 33-year-old man is sentenced to ten years in prison for beating his friend and burying him under logs and stones in a park in Gothenburg.

The victim was found by passers-by and survived but suffered life-threatening injuries, reports Göteborgsposten.

The 33-year-old was taken into police custody that afternoon, but not in connection with the attempted murder. Namely, he attracted the attention of a police patrol when he passed a traffic accident, visibly drunk. While in custody he became both aggressive and threatening, but the events were not connected until later that day.

A report that the district court refers to assesses that the victim would not have been able to break free without the help of the three joggers who found and dug him out. The combined weight of the items was estimated to be over 150 kilos, and the victim had been offered alcohol and an unknown pill by the perpetrator before the assault.

The convicted man is convicted of attempted murder and violence against an official and must pay SEK 258,751 in damages. He denies any wrongdoing.
