Burglars have a new, stealthy way to monitor your movements

Burglars have a new stealthy way to monitor your movements

In the United States, this method has caused several victims, and who knows, it could well spread to France before long…

To protect themselves from burglaries, many French people have equipped their house or apartment with protective devices. Whether it is with cameras and an anti-intrusion alarm, an armoured door, a multi-point lock or even burglar-proof glazing. For some, all equipment is good for deterring burglars and feeling safe at home. But have you ever imagined that thieves could also use these new technologies to better target their future victims?

This is what is currently happening in the United States and which worries the American authorities. Indeed, on the other side of the Atlantic, a new tactic is increasingly used by burglars. This is particularly tricky, because all your actions inside and outside your home can be scrutinized for weeks without you noticing…

The phenomenon in question was discovered a few weeks ago by the Los Angeles County police, after several victims spotted the device used by the criminals. These are hidden cameras. In general, these are placed in strategic locations, behind a bush, rocks, on a camouflaged wall, so that the thief can observe the comings and goings of his target, the entrances and exits of the home, expensive objects, and even identify possible alarm systems.

Burglars can thus quickly find out when tenants are present or not at their home before visiting them. For the Californian police, this type of technique is often used by well-organized networks. Although today, unfortunately, it is very easy to get a hidden camera and use it as we see fit…
