Bunker in Eslöv for sale – this is how much it costs

Bunker in Eslov for sale this is how much

On Hemnet right now there is a somewhat odd housing advertisement. It is because someone is trying to sell an underground bunker in Eslöv in Scania.

There is shelter for over 70 people

The bunker is designed to protect over 70 people for up to three months in the event of war or crisis. For those who buy the bunker, there is also the option of above-ground construction.

The bunker is located in a green and peaceful environment with an associated plot of 8,500 square meters.

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Photo: Wilhelm GisowCould handle an aerial bomb

The ad states that the bunker would stand firm even if hit by a 500 kilo aerial bomb, thanks to its construction.

Interest in the bunker is high, and according to the broker there seem to be many speculators.

– It has been ringing constantly. It’s just that the timing was right with the state of the world, says the broker Blerim Miftari in an interview with The evening paper.

The bunker is a total of 740 square meters in size, spread over two floors. There is, among other things, a restaurant and meeting room. The bunker also offers an activity room and several sleeping places, it says in the ad The home.

The staggering sum – that’s how much Melinda Jacobs and E-type want for the house

Photo: Wilhelm GisowThat’s how much the bunker costs

The starting price for the bunker is SEK 4,995,000, but the price may rise in the event of a possible bidding.

The minimum cash investment required to buy the bunker is SEK 749,250.

Loss on the housing market – SEK 81 billion

News24 have received permission from the photographer to use the images.
