Bungie brings new activities to Destiny 2 every season, but players finally want love for their old modes

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Destiny 2 offers new activities each season to keep players busy for a while. But despite the constant flow of new content, fans of the loot shooter are finally wanting more love for their old core modes. We’ll show you more about it.

What are the core modes? In Destiny 2 there are three core activities that are firmly anchored in the loot shooter. This includes:

  • The Vanguard Playlists
  • The Crucible
  • The Gambit
  • These activities are the pillars of Destiny 2, and they’re a great way for Guardians to find variety after hours of grinding the same seasonal modes. But Guardians complain that little to nothing is being done for these core modes.

    The Gambit in particular suffers as no new map has been implemented for years. So if the developers continue as usual and only give more attention to the seasons, Destiny 2 will encounter bigger problems.

    Players want the “Nightmare Hunts” in the Strike playlist.

    Destiny 2 has a lot of construction sites, but Bungie hides them

    Guardians bode ill: In reddit, players are discussing the current policies that Bungie is conducting. While Seasons get cool new weapons and locations like the Leviathan or even activities, the well-known modes like the Gambit fall by the wayside. But there are also small things to complain about:

  • Destinations are useless – no player likes to sit down to patrol or gather resources
  • Europe took a good step forward, but Bungie never expanded the system to more destinations
  • The Season Pass is deprecated and no longer provides incentives to continue grinding after level 100
  • But Bungie also throttles the mechanics of seasonal activities after their “lifetime” has expired
  • The prime example in this case are the dares of eternity
  • Players will no longer get Strange Coins from core activities, but will get them on release
  • The normal strike playlists are too easy, outdated, and can be soloed without any effort
  • The Crucible always has the same mode (control) active and after many years it just doesn’t offer any variety anymore.
  • The Dares and their system have entertained many players

    Players therefore believe that if Bungie continues to follow this path and does nothing for the long-lasting content in Destiny 2, the old content will scare off many old and new players.

    Small changes would do: The players do not demand huge update packages. It would be enough if Bungie served little bites to the Guardians.

  • Implementing the old Gambit maps in the Dreaming City and Tangled Bay would bring a breath of fresh air.
  • Strikes like the Arms Dealer should be sorted out and offer more challenge
  • The red battle has been banned from Destiny 2, leaving players wondering why these story scraps are still present in the loot shooter but the Tangled Bay strike “The Hollow Lair” has been removed
  • New maps and modes for the Crucible, feel free to rotate more often
  • Create a boost and better rewards for destinations
  • Same system as for Beyond Light and the ice moon “Europa”
  • Rewards after Season Pass level 100
  • eg Every five or ten levels an exo or bright engram
  • That’s why the Guardians are already thinking about how to keep core activities more exciting, because Destiny 2 isn’t. Recently, the player RazuriRapisu on reddit Bungie suggested putting the nightmare hunts in the strike playlist without further ado. That would only be a small change, but it could bring a lot of variety.

    Basically, these are small adjustments and not huge and new content that Bungie has to pull out of a hat.

    These can then even be inserted piece by piece in each ongoing season. Bungie himself was happy to comment on such requests or comments on reddit, but many fans destroyed the developers’ communication base with hatred. It is therefore not possible to assess whether Bungie is not already planning such steps.

    What do you think of these comments from the community? Do you think it’s good that players are bringing up these things, or have you already given up hope for Gambit and the rest? Let’s find out in the comments!
