(Finance) – 2025 began with excellent news for all citizens who will be able to access the bonus social light And gas: the facility, which consists of a discount on bills of variable amount, was in fact extended by Budget law And it will be active throughout the new year. The 2025 maneuver does not introduce news regarding requirements, ISEE limits and demand methods, thus reconfirming the provisions valid for 2024.
In summary, the social bonus for economic unease – which involves the users of light, gas and water – is intended for families with ISEE less than 9,530 euros (or less than 20,000 euros if there are at least 4 dependent children) and can be obtained automatically in the bill by simply presenting the DSU for ISEE purposes.
This concession is also supported by the bonus electric For unease physicistintended for people who need electromedical equipment for maintenance in life, regardless of their Isee. To obtain it, it is necessary to apply in common or through a CAF, presenting the ASL certificate attesting to health conditions. The annual amount ranges from € 168 and € 544, based on the power of the counter and the extra consumption of energy requested by the machinery.
For all citizens who do not have access to these bonuses to reduce energy expenditure, a possible solution comes fromSwitcho Observatory – the 100% digital and free service that helps its users to save on the expenses of light, gas, telephony and insurance – according to which the change of supplier could be the ace in consumer sleeve excluded from the bonus.
“Make a switch of light and gas, moving on to one of the best offers present on the free market to date – he explains Redi VyshkaCoo and Co-Founder-. It often allows you to lower the bills, in some cases to obtain savings that have little to envy to the amounts of the bonus itself. Considering a family of 3-4 people equipped with a light and gas offer in line with the market average, for example, we have estimated that it is possible to save about € 360 per year “.
Logically, potential saving grows as increased by consumption: the greater they are the latter, the more important it becomes to make sure you have a good energy offer.
The change of supplier It is a free operation that can be carried out by all the holders of electricity or gas supplies. It has already been highlighted how advantageous for non -beneficiary bonus users, but it should be noted that in some
Cases also people who receive the social bonus (classified as vulnerable customers) can save money by changing offer. Vyshka explains it again: “For several months now, more advantageous offers of the free market of the economic conditions proposed by the service of greater protection were not found, which have access to vulnerable customers. With 2025, however, we notice changes: to date there are some light and gas offers that can help save, albeit every situation must be evaluated on a case -by -case basis based on the consumption of each family “.
Finally, for these customers, there is also the possibility of passing through Gradual protection service of light until 30 June 2025. In any case, it should be remembered that the offer you choose to sign never precludes the reception of the social bonus.
(Photo: Photoiron – Stock.adobe.com)