Bullies 2024: Gas rises, electricity drops. The analysis on the consumption of Italians

Bullies 2024 Gas rises electricity drops The analysis on the

(Finance) – How dear this is dear-energy? After having spoken so much, the first assessments are emerging on how heavy the bill for Italians in 2024 has been. The values ​​obviously change from region to region, but the most evident figure is that the real problem concerns gas, not so much electricity.

The analysis (carried out taking into consideration the declared consumption of over 770,000 users) was made by Facile.it according to whose calculations in 2024 the Italian families with a supply contract in the free market at an indexed rate spenton average, 791 euros for the light bill and 1,339 euros for that of the gas. Compared to 2023, with the same consumption, the electric bill was lighter than 6%, while the gas increased by 3%.

By unpacking the data at the regional level some differences emerge. Sardinia is confirmed to be the Italian region where consumption, and consequently the final account, were the highest (2,677 kWh, corresponding to a bill of 903 euros), but it must be said that in many areas of the region heating with city gas is not active, a situation that is often compensated using electrical devices with consequent strong impacts on consumption.

The regions where less energy was consumed, and therefore where the bills were lighter, Liguria are, with an average expenditure of 731 euros, Molise (743 euros) and Abruzzo (757 euros). Analyzing the bills of the 2024 gas, the ranking changes radically. The region with the hottest bill was Emilia-Romagna, where families spent 1,613 euros on average last year, against declared consumption of 1,232 SMC. Following are all regions of the North: Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Veneto, Lombardy and Trentino-Alto Adige. In the queue instead warmer regions (which need less gases to warm homes) such as Sicily (882 euros), Campania (927 euros) and Calabria (990 euros).

(Photo: Photoiron – Stock.adobe.com)
