Bulgaria-based Alieno seeks to break the limits in electricity

Rolls Royce Specter new information from the brand first electric

Announcing its first model Arcanum four years ago, Alieno takes its claim to a new dimension with its second model Unum.

We can’t help but mention that the electrical infrastructure opens up brand new opportunities in the competition in the automobile world. It would not be wrong to say that Tesla, which is among the most valuable companies in the world today, is the most important example of this. In the last five years, we have started to hear the names of new initiatives in many parts of the world, such as Tesla. Four years ago, another member from our neighbor Bulgaria was added to these initiatives that wanted to make a difference by presenting models in different segments. The company, which draws attention due to its focus on the super sports segment, referenced crazy data such as 5,220 horsepower and 8,800 Nm torque in its first model called Arcanum. Announcing work preparations for a second model after the intervening period, the brand raises the bar to another level in its new project. Alieno Unum, which is at the center of this claim, seems to make Arcanum weak with its 24 electric motors.

Figures shown as targets for Alieno Unum

Unum, which is planned to have six electric motors on each wheel, is planned, just like Arcanum, in four versions with different levels of power. The brand, which is preparing to include twelve electric motors in the entry-level version, has a combination claim of 2,610 horsepower. Values ​​of 3.481 hp in the upper package and 4.351 hp in the third version are on the table. As in the Arcanum, the most powerful package of the family offers 5,220 horsepower and 8,800 Nm. The speed of 584 km/h, aimed at the performance side for Unum, is one of the most remarkable parts at this stage.


The charging infrastructure of the car is at least as ambitious as its performance data. It is planned to include graphene-based cells in the battery of the model, in which 800V fast charging architecture is supported. In this way, Alieno, who wants to achieve much faster filling cycles than normal systems, claims that when the appropriate source is found, it can be reached from 0 to 80 percent fill level in approximately 3.5 minutes. We see that three different capacity battery packs are planned for the car: 60 kWh, 120 kWh and 180 kWh. With Unum, which is only rendered images for now, the work continues to bring the first concrete model of the brand to the streets between 2024-2027. Accepting pre-orders for flour with prices starting from 1.8 million euros, the brand raises the bill to 4.5 million euros for those who prefer the top version. Among the interesting points of the story is the goal of company CEO Ahmed Merchev to one day become a partner with Lamborghini, which he placed at the center of his design inspiration. The amount of interest and investment in Alieno on the part of the user is as much a matter of curiosity as the cars.
