Building, unions: renewed CCNL ANCE-COOOP: increase on the minimum of 18%

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(Finance) – Wage increase, regularity, transparency and reliability of the entire sector. The match for the renewal of National work contract, industry and construction cooperatives. After the agreement reached on the economic part on January 28th, the OK arrives for the regulatory part with the approval of the complaint unique and the Transfer regulation. The part social construction (Ance, Legacoop production and services, confcooperative work and services, agci production and work, Fenealuil, Filca Cisl and Fillea-Cgil) have signed hypothesis of agreement which will be validated by the assemblies of workers by March 20, 2025.

THE’wage increase expected to the second level is 210 euros with a Increase on the minimums of 18%. The contract that will expire on 30 June 2028, is completed with the agreements: on the national training catalog, health surveillance, instances of the sector, rewarding, unique construction and F24 report with commission works within six months, national trip, extraordinary work, not superimposability of the contractual cycles, foreseen and classification commission.

Of considerable interest is the definition of the complaint unique, trip and F24: elements dirums both in terms of simplification, and of further contrast to irregular work. In fact, as we read in the joint note of Fenealuil, Filca Cisl and Fillea Cgil “the single complaint in addition to promoting regularity, guarantees greater transparency and reliability of the entire sector towards third parties and public administrations. It is an electronic model that the company must send monthly to the Cassa Edile and which contains the data referring to the construction site and the worker, declaring the hours worked and the hours not worked with blocking fields that prevent the subdenunnce cds (hours (hours declared lower than the workers), the provision of the AVR, contractual application “.

In addition, “the complaint simplifies the obligations and increases the ability to control and intervention of the system compared to irregularities, generating economies for companies, fight against dumping and to the competition unfair and contractual protection tools for workers. In particular, the single complaint model at the Speakers Building It is aimed at significantly reducing the negative effects, to the detriment of workers and regular companies, deriving from the increasingly widespread phenomena of evasion and contributory evasion “.

Another element of novelty of the CCNL is established by New travel regime which creates “a further step forward – explain the union acronyms – in the direction of the simplification and automation of the processes. It will allow companies, through the implementation of a special application, to reduce the number of fulfilments which will be carried out only against the Cassa Edile of the territory where the company is based, guaranteeing greater functionality of the system and greater control capacity of the correct contractual application against workers “.
