Building trade manager on FSC certification of timber and wood products: Will become increasingly important

– The interest in certified timber is great for large construction projects, says David Ekholm, site manager at K Bygg, one of the major construction giants in Östersund.

The FSC certification has existed for almost thirty years and many believe that it has contributed to more sustainable forestry.

But there are also criticisms. Complaints against the companies have increased considerably in recent years and are about the companies not complying with the certification requirements, but, for example, felling forest worthy of protection.

The forestry companies, for their part, admit to occasional mistakes, but believe that many improvements have been made in forestry as a whole.

In the building trade today, there is both timber and building materials that are certified. In addition to FSC, there is also PEFC, another certification standard for forestry, to which many smaller forest owners are affiliated.

You can hear more about the interest in the trade in the video above.
