The building game Factorio is currently going through the roof on Steam. The reason for this is a new update that almost doubles the content in the game. The fans are thrilled.
What kind of game is this? The building game Factorio is one of the most popular games on Steam. With 97% positive reviews from over 150,000 votes cast on Steam, hardly any game can beat Factorio. The game makes the dreams of amateur engineers come true and allows anyone to build a mega-factory from the comfort of their own home.
In an infinite 2D world, you not only have to calmly build the factory, you also have to defend it against attacking creatures.
A small, simple factory quickly grows into a gigantic production line. The first major expansion was recently released, almost doubling the game’s content. The players react accordingly.
You can get an impression of Factorio with this trailer:
This trailer shows Factorio, one of the best construction simulations
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New expansion almost doubles the content
What kind of extension is this? With Factorio Space Age, as the name suggests, you go into space and other planets. The expansion continues the player’s journey and allows for the exploration of new worlds and extraction of new resources.
You move around in space using space platforms that are simply flying factories. You also have to defend yourself again, this time against asteroids, for example.
The new planets bring with them a wide variety of properties. On Vulcanus you can expect burning volcanoes, landscapes covered in dust and ash and the smell of sulfur. On Fulgora it is again very cold, barren and dreary, with lots of clouds and storms.
All planets also offer new enemies in the form of unique creatures that you must defend your base against. According to an FAQ on Reddit, the expansion doubles the game’s content.
Have the technologies also been expanded? Yes, the technologies have also been expanded. New features include elevated railways that can even travel across oceans. The items in the game have received new quality modules with the expansion and all items and objects now have five possible quality levels.
How are players reacting to the update? Although the Factorio: Space Age expansion is not particularly cheap at €32, it is very well received by players. With 98% positive reviews on Steam, it’s rated even better than the game itself.
The expansion is not only well received, it is actually causing a boom in players. When the expansion was released on Monday evening, a new player record of 91,801 players was set on Steam at the same time. That’s five times as many players as there were on Monday a week earlier. There were only 17,675 players (via SteamDB)
The game is also well received on Reddit. Reddit user criiaax says: “Glad to see it! totally deserved on Reddit about the success and wants to increase it even further: “Let’s get 100k this weekend [Anmerkung der Redaktion: Spieler] to reach”
Even the developers of the competing building game Satisfactory encourage their followers on to play Factorio. This gesture is well received by the community. Satisfactory is rated almost as well as Factorio and is also one of the most popular building games on Steam: Satisfactory is 96% positive on Steam, is currently convincing everyone, and now the fans are praising the developers for one thing