The BTS catch-up orals take place at the beginning of July and the results will be published until mid-July depending on the academies and specialties.
In 2022, the BTS events took place between May 13 and May 19, 2022 for the common events. The professional tests specific to each BTS took place between May and June and the remedial orals at the beginning of July. Then place the results whose dates differ according to the academies.
What is BTS?
the BTS (higher technician certificate) is a professional diploma which is prepared by continuous assessment during training (CCF) and by examinations. The BTS continues within a high school, and this training accessible after obtaining the baccalaureate or equivalent offers specialized lessons. The BTS also includes a compulsory internship in a company and allows to obtain a professional diploma in two years.
Consult the results of the BTS tests according to your academy
The publication of the results of the BTS takes place between the end of June and mid-July depending on the academies and specialties. It takes place in mid-July for the results of the remedial orals.
BTS and catch-up session: how is it going?
This year, the catch-up orals take place at the beginning of July. All candidates who have obtained at least 10 out of 20 in the professional field as well as an average of between 8 and 10 in the general field are automatically authorized to take the remedial tests.
Two oral tests for the remedial session:
- a quiz to reassess the candidate’s skills in general culture and expression, living foreign language, mathematics, physics-chemistry, applied sciences, etc. The student must choose the discipline in which he wishes to be questioned among the disciplines with the highest coefficient of his specialty.
- a question to reassess the skills of the candidate in the professional field.
For each question, the mark obtained may replace the average of the tests of all the one-off tests in the corresponding field (general and professional).