BTP Valore, MEF: orders mainly from domestic investors

CdM approves 13 billion energy decree fuel bonus introduced

(Finance) – From the information collected from Dealers, Co-Dealers and other intermediaries, “it is possible to deduce a participation of retail investors significantly prevalent compared to that of private banking, with a share equal to 79 percent which represents the highest ever recorded in an issue dedicated to small savers”.

He writes it Ministry of Economy and Finance in a note in which he communicates the details of the second issue of the BTP Valuethe family of government bonds dedicated exclusively to small savers (retail).

L’total amount issued was equal to 17,190.004 million euros compared to 641,881 concluded contractswith an average cut of 26,781 euros.

In detail, of the 641,881 contracts concluded on the MOT (the Telematic Market of Government Bonds and Securities of the Italian Stock Exchange), approximately 67 percent were for an amount of less than 20,000 euros, while if we consider the contracts up to 50,000 euros, we reach approximately 92 percent of the total.

Within the quota subscribed by investors, it is estimated that approximately 63 percent forwarded the order through the branches of the banking networks and post offices (either by physically going to the branch or remotely), while approximately 37 percent through the ‘home banking.

As regards the geographical distribution of the orders received, almost all of the orders came from domestic investors.
