BTP and CCTeu auctions, all sold out in reopening

BTP and CCTeu auctions all sold out in reopening

(Finance) – The sold out for the additional placements of government bondsreserved for specialist operators, carried out on 28 July 2023.

For what concern BTP 3.80% 5 years 01-08-2028 (ISIN IT0005548315), 700 million euros have been assigned, against requests for 1.32 billion euros.

For what concern BTP 4.35% 10 years 01-11-2033 (ISIN IT0005544082), 750 million euros have been assigned, against requests for 1.10 billion euros.

For what concern BTP 2.50% 10 years 01-12-2032 (ISIN IT0005494239), 250 million euros were assigned, against requests for 616 million euros.

For what concern CCTeu TV 7 years 15-10-2028 (ISIN IT0005534984), 188 million euros were assigned, against requests for 426 million euros.
