BTK bans advertising on Twitter

Privacy breach centered around Twitter Circle officially confirmed

Here Information Technologies and Communications Authority as far asWith the decision of the Ministry of Health, dated 19 July 2023 and numbered 39225, those who do not fulfill their obligation to designate and notify X Corp.(Twitter) has been banned from advertising.

The decision shared on this surprising issue was exactly as follows:From the Information Technologies and Communications Authority:
Number of Decisions: 39225
Decision Date: 19.07.2023
Former title Twitter, Incolan X Corp. (Twitter), it has been decided to ban new advertisements from real and legal persons who are taxpayers residing in Turkey, in accordance with the second paragraph of the additional article 4 and the temporary article 6 of the Law No. 5651 on the Regulation of Broadcasts Made on the Internet and Combating Crimes Committed Through These Broadcasts.
