Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul’s Breaking Bad reunion in new Super Bowl ad

Bryan Cranston and Aaron Pauls Breaking Bad reunion in new

After the big Breaking Bad finale in 2013, there was nothing for fans of Walter White (Bryan Cranston) and Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul) so far twice a reunion with the stars. Both were briefly seen together in the Netflix sequel El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie and in the series finale of the spin-off Better Call Saul.

Now it’s back to the Breaking Bad reunion for the Super Bowl 2023. The Clip with the stars in their cult roles you can have a look now.

Walter White and Jesse Pinkman Make Super Bowl 2023 Snack Ads

The commercial was created by the American company Frito-Lay, which worked with Cranston and Paul Snack pop corners to apply. You can already watch the funny spot here:

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In an interview with Entertainment Weekly about the spot, the two were of course asked at the end whether that was the case now the last joint appearance of the Breaking Bad stars remains:

April 3rd of this year, only two months away, was the last day of shooting for Breaking Bad [vor 10 Jahren]. And as we were all standing out there as a group in the middle of the desert, everyone was talking about what that meant for us. We thought this would be the last timethat we ever played those characters. And then we had another opportunity in the El Camino movie, and then we were like, ‘Oh! So it might not be the last.’ So we stopped saying, ‘This is the last time we’re ever going to do this.’ Who knows? It could be. I’m not sure but… you know, we just leave it to fate. Podcast: Is Breaking Bad still the best show of all time?

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Even almost 10 years after the finale, Breaking Bad is still one of the best series of all time for many. To coincide with the start of the final season of the spin-off Better Call Saul, we dive deep into the main series again and discuss, what makes Breaking Bad so great. In addition to the most unforgettable scenes, in the second part we look at series that appeared after Breaking Bad and can be compared to the hit phenomenon.

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