Brunetta: digitalization is a great driver of change

Mascherine Brunetta signs circular with indications for the public administration

(Finance) – “The digitalization of the economy and society is the great catalyst of these years and decades. I say catalyst and I use a chemical-physical term to say that it is the great driver of change “.

This was stated by the Minister of Public Administration, Renato Brunetta, in an interview broadcast on video during the conference at the Kineton study center in Naples, entitled Digital meridians. Southern Italy, Italy and the challenge of the digital transition.

“Digitizing means communicating, it means simplifying, bringing people closer, hierarchizing, digitizing also means more speed, simplicity and closenessit means changing the paradigm of human behaviors and behaviors between the human and physical dimensions “.

For the minister to digitize “is the change, as was the fire, the discovery of fire, or the discovery of the power of machines, of engines, which have changed the paradigm of the organization of society and digitization, if possible, is even more pervasive “.” For this reason, digitization must be, it is inevitable. It is a process that must be governed, managed, dominated, lived, internalized, which must become a piece of our life without becoming our life “concludes Brunetta.

Meanwhile, digital identities in Italy have exceeded the threshold of 30 million and Brunetta speaks of “excellent news” which shows that, thanks to the work of Minister Colao and the collaboration of identity providers and local administrations, the long march of digitization of the Public Administration is in full swing, and travels in advance of the times indicated by the PNR.

“Digital identity – reads the note – it is a right for all citizens, because it allows access in an inclusive way to public administration services. For this reason, working to spread it and to make its use easier and faster is a specific commitment of the Government. Next week, the Civil Service Department will meet with the managers involved in the release of the SPID to ensure a digital identity for the entire audience of 3.2 million public employees. Forward towards a more digital, more efficient and more inclusive Italy “.
