Brown line: Vogue retouches Rihanna’s linea negra

Brown line Vogue retouches Rihannas linea negra

On the cover of US Vogue, Rihanna proudly displays her curves. But the American magazine seems to have photoshopped the belly of the singer to erase her linea negra (the brown line of pregnancy).

Rihanna’s brown line retouched by US Vogue?

[Mise à jour du 15 avril 2022 à 10h59]. Since the announcement of her pregnancy, Rihanna continues to proudly display her curves on social networks and highlight her baby bump in more original and fashionable outfits than each other. The singer even caused a sensation by posing in US Vogue magazine cover, to be released in May, in a red lace jumpsuit. Sensual and sexy as usual, Rihanna fans did not expect the magazine to use Photoshop to erase the brown line of the future mother, also called “linea negra”. Indeed, in other pregnancy photos, this pigmentation, common in pregnant women, is particularly visible on Riri’s rounded belly. Some photos from the shoot have been retouched to make way for a very smooth belly, with even skin texturewhich did not fail to make Internet users react on social networks.

If Rihanna did not react to these retouched photos and shared them on her Instagram account, she nevertheless expressed herself in the columns of this US Vogue by affirming her freedom. “I hope we can redefine what is considered ‘decent’ for pregnant women. My body is doing amazing things right now and I refuse to be ashamed of it.” claims the singer who specifies that “this time should be a celebration. Why hide her pregnancy?

What is the linea negra or brown line?

This is a normally white, non-visible line called linea alba, located between the pubis and the umbilicus. She gradually turns brown during pregnancy and can rise higher than the belly button, about the height of the uterus“, explains the midwife. It is then called linea nigra. She also specifies that if it is considered unsightly by some future mothers, the brown line does not put them at risk, nor does it put their baby at risk. This hyperpigmentation is therefore absolutely harmless.

When does the brown line appear during pregnancy?

The brown line usually appears at the end of the second trimester of pregnancy, when under the effect of pregnancy hormones (estrogen and progesterone) the placenta causes an increase in melanin production. “This then creates hyperpigmentationexplains Anh-Chi Ton. The melanotropic hormone is also the cause of pregnancy mask and darkening of nipples or moles. As for the pregnancy mask, the brown line is more visible in women with dark skineven if it does not spare fair skin.

The brown line is a natural and hormonal phenomenon, there is not much you can do to avoid it. Nevertheless, as for the pregnancy mask, it is better to avoid exposing your skin to the sun without protection. The ideal, if you have to go to the beach, is to avoid direct exposure and wear a uv protection swimsuit. SPF 50 sunscreen is also essential!

When does the brown line disappear?

The brown line fades naturally after baby is born, but it may take longer or shorter. “It depends on the women. A young nursing mother can for example keep it a little longer“, explains Anh-Chi Ton. Even as a young mother, the midwife experienced it: “I still have mine at six months postpartum!

Brown line, girl or boy: do we believe it or not?

Shape of the belly, month of conception, preference of the future mother for sugar or salt, there are countless urban legends that claim to determine the sex of the baby. According to one belief, the length of the brown line would also be a valuable indicator. If it goes beyond the navel, it would be a little girl, if it stops before the navel then it would be a boy! It’s up to you to believe it… or not!

Thanks to Anh-Chi Ton, midwife in Paris.
