Bronchioles: definition, diagram, what role?

Bronchioles definition diagram what role

The bronchioles are part of the respiratory system. In the event of obstruction of the bronchioles, more or less significant respiratory discomfort may be felt by the patient (as in bronchiolitis).

What is the definition of bronchioles?

The bronchioles are part of the respiratory system. They are part of the extension of the bronchi. These small ramifications measuring less than 1 millimeter in diameter connect the bronchi to the alveoli, the small pockets shaped like a bunch of grapes where gas exchange between blood and air takes place. The bronchi are made up of cartilage but the bronchioles do not contain any. The bronchioles are subdivided into terminal bronchioles that are less than 0.5 millimeters in diameter.

Diagram of the bronchioles

Diagram of the bronchioles ©’s Journal

What is the role of the bronchioles?

Endowed with a diameter of less than one millimeter, the bronchioles play a essential role in the transport of air to the alveoli. After gas exchange has taken place, oxygen circulates through the bronchioles before reaching the blood and being transported to the tissues. In case of’obstruction of the bronchioles, trouble breathing more or less important can be felt by the patient. This type of disorder appears in particular in the context of pathologies asthmaticsexcessive production of mucus, bronchiolitis for example, or spasms in the orbicularis muscles that surround the bronchi.
