Bromma Airport will not be shut down – the Minister of Infrastructure will announce in the afternoon

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

The previous red-green government appointed two investigations where the ambition was to eventually dismantle Bromma airport. In the latest investigation, the proposal was to move air traffic to Arlanda as early as 2025. So significantly earlier than when the agreement between the state and the city of Stockholm expires in 2038.

The analysis by the state-owned owner Swedavia, which concluded that it is no longer profitable to operate the airport, weighed particularly heavily.

Harsh criticism from the city of Stockholm

The ruling majority in the city of Stockholm has seen that there are opportunities for a large housing development if Bromma airport is closed down. The area occupies 185 hectares of land. The fact that the government is now putting an end to the plans to close the airport is critical of the majority.

– It is a betrayal of Stockholmers. Here we have lots of land, in the middle of Stockholm, where we want to build 30,000-50,000 new homes, but the government is putting an end to this. Even though we have a huge housing shortage, says environmental and climate councilor Åsa Lindhagen (MP).

The text is updated.

See when Bromma Airport was inaugurated and how the airport’s existence has been debated for several decades:
