Broken TV, bloody finger… When Christmas Eve goes wrong

Broken TV bloody finger When Christmas Eve goes wrong

During family Christmas meals, small dramas sometimes occur, sometimes ruining the holiday atmosphere. The editor shares with you the three worst situations experienced by some of our journalists.

When we imagine a Christmas meal with the family, we quite clearly visualize a scene of happy life, where the guests enjoy each other, burst out laughing at times, enjoy good food and indulge in traditional distribution of gifts. Yes, but everything doesn’t always go as we imagined. Sometimes some little dramas happen during Christmas Eve. Arguments, a burnt turkey or failed recipes that lead to criticism, resentments revealed in the middle of the meal… Generally, this kind of situation dampens the mood at the time, and sometimes, after the fact, it becomes so. even funny. The editorial staff of Journal des Femmes shares its three worst anecdotes with you

A broken TV during the aperitif

“A few years ago, I had an epic Christmas to say the least. It had barely been half an hour since we arrived at my grandparents’ house, when the atmosphere suddenly went from laughter to tears. We We were starting to serve the aperitif when my mother had the idea of ​​asking my aunt to open the bottle of champagne. She, who had always hated it, wanted to take up the challenge. But between us, she would have been better off not. Because instead of holding the cork with pressure, she let it escape. The cork then jumped to the ceiling and bounced right into my grandparents’ television, breaking like the screen. Right on cue, my grandfather started yelling at my aunt, who started crying. My mother tried to calm them down. My big sister and I got down to everything clean, since there was champagne, from the ceiling to the floor, including of course the television… After that, the petits fours no longer had the same flavor…”, Lou told us, 26 years.

A spectacle that turns into general panic

“With my cousin Nolwenn, when we were little, we used to put on a show at the end of the Christmas meal, in front of the family. One year, our show was ruined by a small accident that I caused. .. We were ready to play when my cousin remembered that she was missing an accessory. Our family members were in the living room waiting for us, so she wanted to let them know we were late. At that moment – there, she sticks her head through the door, puts her hand inside the opening, and for some reason that I still don’t know today, I close the door on her quite violently. She started screaming, and removing her hand, the tragedy: her ring finger was bloody. Years later, her finger still bears the scar from this accident and my cousin does not forget to remind me that I am the guilty one… “, Salomé, 27, told us.

“My mother forgot to give me a Christmas present”

“That Christmas two years ago, I admit, I’m not about to forget it. We were at my aunt’s as a family, and the time came to distribute the gifts. We have a tradition, we number the gifts, we put the numbers in a box and we draw lots to guess who each present is intended for. That year, the session begins, the gifts are distributed and opened one after the other. The last number is drawn, and I’m telling you that it was spot on, it wasn’t for me. Very quickly, I realized that my mother, Catherine, had completely forgotten me. I spoke about it afterwards to my little sister who is present, and while we were all at the table, my sister blurted out to our mother in front of around twenty people: ‘Mom, you forgot Victoire’s gift’. Taken by surprise, Catherine replied : ‘oh, it doesn’t matter, you’re not 2 anymore’... Never mind the age, I was 31 at the time and still fooled around for three hours on Christmas Day. Fortunately, I don’t hold grudges and since then, it has even become a joke between us. Before every Christmas, I ask her if she hasn’t forgotten my present this time,” Victoire, 33, confessed to us.
