Britta Bergström releases new music

Britta Bergström has sung with large parts of Sweden’s artistic elite – but she is rarely in the center.
Now the choir singer is stepping into the limelight for the first time.
– It’s an emotional day – it’s been tumultuous all this week, she says in Efter fem.

Agnetha Fältskog, Kate Ryan, and Robyn. All these artists have a common denominator – and that is Britta Bergström. She has worked with the aforementioned stars, but without taking center stage. She has also, as a choir singer, appeared in all seasons of TV4’s “So much better”.

Now it’s time for Britta Bergström to really step into the limelight. After 30 years behind all the biggest names, today she releases her own music for the first time.

– It’s an emotional day – it’s been tumultuous all this week, she says in Efter fem.

Backed by the stars

When Britta Bergström herself releases a song, the roles of the Swedish stars are reversed. She asked Carola, Lisa Nilsson, Jennifer Brown, Jill Jonsson, Helen Sjöholm, Tommy Nilsson and Uno Svenningson if they could play in her new song – and they all said yes.

– I actually got such nice answers. And immediately just: “Of course. When do we drive?”

Moved to tears

In the program, Bergström receives video greetings from three Swedish stars with whom she has worked: Helen Sjöholm, Jennifer Brown and Sarah Dawn Finer.

From Sarah Dawn Finer it goes like this:

– To have her as a singer with me on some of the biggest events in my life and some of the biggest songs I’ve done. And also having her as a friend for 30 years now. It is a gift to be blessed. Thanks Britta. You are the best.

It immediately becomes emotional in the studio.

– My God, says a teary-eyed Britta Bergström.

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