British Prime Minister Sunak became the agenda on social media! He hastily left the hall

British Prime Minister Sunak became the agenda on social media

World leaders met at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27), which kicked off in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, on Monday. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak became a hot topic on social media when he left the session on forests he attended. In the images shared by Leo Hickman, the manager of the UK-based climate-oriented website Carbon Brief, on his social media account, Prime Minister Sunak was seen leaving the hall with his assistants in the middle of the session.

Aroused Curiosity

It was stated that an assistant came to Sunak about 2 minutes before he left the hall and said something to him for more than 1 minute. It was stated that the other assistant, who came later, “convinced” Sunak to leave the hall. While Sunak’s departure from the hall aroused curiosity, no official statement was made about the event.


Harry Cole, policy editor of the British newspaper The Sun, quoted the video in the post, saying, “Downing Street sources insist that this is trivial and a long overdue decision to talk only with Germans and South Africans. Despite the images,” he said.
