British police investigate motive for Nottingham bloodshed ‘with an open mind’ – victims appear to have been chosen at random

British police investigate motive for Nottingham bloodshed with an open

Three people died in stabbings and three were injured after a car ran into them early on Tuesday. A terrorist motive is one of the lines of investigation.

The British police are investigating the motive for the series of bloody acts that took place in Nottingham, central England yesterday. The anti-terrorist police is also participating in the investigation to find out a possible terrorist motive.

The police have interrogated a 31-year-old man as a suspect in the acts, who, according to media reports, is an immigrant who came to Britain from West Africa. The man has of the British broadcasting company BBC had mental health problems.

The series of bloodshed began after four on Tuesday morning, when two 19-year-old university students were stabbed to death on a street in the center of Nottingham. Among other things The Daily Telegraph newspaper has reported on dead students.

An eyewitness has said that he saw from the window of his home how a man stabbed a young man and a young woman in the street several times.

Later in the morning, a 50-year-old man was stabbed to death in the city center and the perpetrator stole his van. So far, no more detailed information has been given about this victim.

Police “with an open mind” regarding the motive

Three people were hit by a stolen van at 6:30 am on Tuesday morning in the central area of ​​Nottingham.

The injured are in hospital and the condition of one of them is described as critical in the British media. Two people received minor injuries in the collision.

An eyewitness has told news channel for Sky Newsthat he suddenly heard the sound of a crash and then saw two people lying on the street.

After the collision, the police used a stun gun to subdue the man driving the van.

Police have searched several locations in Nottingham. At the moment, the police believe that the man acted alone, and the authorities are not looking for other people in connection with the case.

The police say that the investigation is only in the early stages and they are “open-minded” about the motive for the attacks. All victims seem to have been selected completely at random.

– We are working together with the anti-terrorist police, as we always do in such situations, police chief Kate Meynell tells about the investigation.

Sources: Reuters, AP
