British officer skied 13-15 hours a day for 70 days straight and broke the record for a solo polar expedition

British officer skied 13 15 hours a day for 70 days

Preet Chand’s goal was to ski across Antarctica completely “from shore to shore”, but it fell short.

31.1. 9:31•Updated 31.1. 11:19

Captain Preet “Polar Preet” Chandi has broken the record for the longest solo polar expedition, BBC news (you switch to another service). Chandi broke both women’s and men’s records on the same polar expedition by traveling 1485 kilometers across the Antarctic.

Chandi’s goal was to ski across Antarctica completely “from shore to shore”, but this goal fell 160 kilometers short due to very rough conditions.

To cover the huge distance, Chandi skied 13-15 hours for 70 days straight and slept only five hours some nights.

Chandi eclipsed another British officer with his record, Lt. Col of Henry Worsley. In 2015, Worsley covered 1,459 kilometers in Antarctica, but fell ill and died after being evacuated in a Chilean hospital.

In an Instagram update, Chandi says she’s disappointed she didn’t make it all the way, but she’s still proud of her performance.

Chand’s tour ended on January 23.

You can watch the Instagram update below:

The story was corrected on January 31, 2023 at 11:18 a.m. The story erroneously had the same mileage with the new and old polar record. The new record (1485km) has been fixed.
