British newspaper regrets hate-filled Meghan text

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In the text, Clarkson expresses himself very hatefully and aggressively about Prince Harry’s wife Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex.

In the column, Clarkson writes that he hates Meghan and “dreams of the day when she gets to parade naked through the streets of every city in the UK while crowds chant ‘shame’ and throw faeces at her”.

Jeremy Clarkson wrote the text after he saw the Duke couple’s acclaimed Netflix documentary series “Harry & Meghan”. The reactions were not long in coming and more than 20,000 reports – which is a record – were submitted in a short time to Ipso, the British equivalent of the Media Ombudsman in Sweden.

The story has been removed from The Sun’s website, and the paper apologized on Friday.

“We at The Sun regret the publication of this article and we are sincerely sorry.”

As early as Monday, the newspaper removed the article – at the request of Clarkson himself. At the time, Clarkson had wondered about the reactions to the text.

The 62-year-old presenter first tried to defend himself by saying that he was only referring to the TV series “Game of Thrones”, but in the end was forced to crawl to the cross and admit that he made a mistake.

It’s not the first time TV personality Jeremy Clarkson has come under fire for his mean pen and mocking tone. In a column in 2020, he called Greta Thunberg “a spoiled brat who should behave like a nice girl and shut up”.
