Britain will get a new prime minister today – the majority of Britons already think that the pre-favourite Liz Truss will fail in the job

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According to preliminary information, the members of the Conservative Party have chosen Liz Truss as Prime Minister, but the people do not believe in her abilities to respond to the country’s severe cost of living crisis.

The borough of Finchley in North London is the realm of the Conservative Party.

The area was Margaret Thatcher’s constituency throughout his political career. But the one appearing as Rautarouva’s heir Liz Truss you don’t get unreserved support from the residents.

– I don’t like him, and I don’t think his politics are viable. I’ve voted conservative all my life but I wouldn’t vote for them now, Susan Brennan says.

At the same time, more than half of the people think that he will perform the task poorly.

However, only 15 percent of Britons trust Truss, who promises extensive tax cuts, in economic matters, according to a survey by the Yougov research institute.

– It feels like he doesn’t have as good a plan as his rival With Rishi Sunak. The people need help, because the country will derail into a crisis this winter due to energy prices, believes the Finchley resident Metin Halil.

Truss promises extensive tax cuts on a fast schedule. The most concrete examples so far have been promises to cancel the planned increases in corporate tax and social security and national pension payments.

Doubts believe that the line threatens to make a hole in the public purse in difficult times. Others fear that the economic policy, which differs from many peer countries, may erode the market’s confidence in Britain.

Liz Truss herself says that tax relief is a necessity to fuel economic growth.

By now Liz Truss has made promises only to members of the conservative party, in whose hands the choice of prime minister is. The line may change when he starts speaking to the whole nation starting this afternoon.

The popularity of Truss, who is relatively unknown to the general public, may improve when his plans start to become more clear.

Right now, in light of the measurement figures – the journey to become an iron lady seems extremely difficult.
