Britain is experiencing a severe cost of living crisis – “I don’t know how we will survive”, says the mother of a Finnish-British carer family

Britain is experiencing a severe cost of living crisis

The level of inflation in Britain is the highest among the G7 group of developed industrialized countries, and the rise in prices shows no signs of abating. Part of the reason for the situation affecting the country’s poorest in particular is Brexit.

BOURNEMOUTH Sun worshipers have populated the long sandy beach of Bournemouth in southern England. In the Heikkinen-McEvoy family, however, the curtains remain closed and the air conditioning on even in thirty-degree heat.

For the multi-disabled daughter of a Finnish-British family, it is vital to keep the temperature even. However, air conditioning requires electricity, the price of which has tripled in Britain.

Maiju Heikkinen says that the skyrocketing cost of living has put the caregiver family in a difficult position.

– We have lived on benefits since our daughter Elisa was born. Our lifestyle has always been really tight and it’s hard to compromise more, Heikkinen describes.

In Britain, the level of inflation is higher than the average of the euro area and also of developed industrialized countries The highest in the G7 group (you switch to another service). The government’s instructions are to save, for example, on the use of electricity, but that is impossible in the Heikkinen family.

– Elisa’s life depends on the devices. He needs a feeding pump, oxygen therapy device and hoists every day. Our consumption is always higher than the average family.

Brexit contributes to Britain’s economic problems

In the fall, the inflation rate is believed to rise from the current nine percent to double-digit figures.

Brexit is a part of the problems, although it is difficult to accurately assess the contribution to the cost of living crisis. Former Bank of England economist by Adam Posen according to calculations (you switch to another service) The EU exit has produced 80 percent of the additional inflation that is not seen in the comparison countries.

Maiju Heikkinen believes that leaving the EU is also a part of the family’s problems with drug deliveries.

– Medicines from the EU have been difficult to get, as have the food packages that Elisa needs.

Predictions about the future of the British economy are gloomy

In Britain, long-term economic problems are predicted, and even a combination of stagflation, i.e. rising prices and stunted economic growth.

According to the forecast of the economic organization OECD, the economic growth of Great Britain next year will be the second slowest among the G20 group of large economies, after Russia, which is subject to sanctions.

of the Resolution Foundation research institute recent report (you switch to another service) describes Britain’s economic situation as leaving low-income families vulnerable to a “brutal” rise in the cost of living.

Maiju Heikkinen’s family sent a letter to the Prime Minister

The Heikkinen-McEvoy family has actively campaigned for increased support for caregiver families, sending e.g. an open letter (you move to another service) to the prime minister who has now announced his decision to resign For Boris Johnson.

– One-time compensations of a few hundred euros have come from there. In the fall, prices will rise again, so what then?

Heikkinen is grateful for the services of the British public healthcare NHS, including the staff who take care of her daughter at night. Otherwise, he would hope that, for example, families doing family care would be better taken into account in the country.

– I don’t know the current situation in Finland very well, but I think that the decision-makers are more approachable there than here. At least I hope so!
