(Finance) – From an administrative point of view for the start of ai construction sites for the construction of Bridge over the Strait of Messina they are missing the project final with the economic-financial plan – in the preparation phase – and subsequent approval by the Cipessthe Interministerial Committee for economic planning and sustainable development chaired by the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, which, as anticipated a few days ago by the deputy prime minister Matthew Salvinishould arrive “between January and February”. The aim is therefore to open construction sites by the end of the year.
The last maneuver guaranteed the coverage financial necessary by adding the missing billion and a half in the 2024 Def (where the expenditure once the project was completed was already estimated at 13.5 billion), while the Evaluation Commission of impact environmental gave the ok and the Services Conference it ended on Christmas Eve.
The main obstacles are represented by cases judicial open linked to the work. There are two disputes between the consortium Eurolink and the Parson Transportation to the company Strait of Messina – the first with a hearing in the Court of Appeal in June, the second on January 20th – and which could slow down the start of the works.
Another is the class action of 104 citizens against the Strait of Messina, who ask to ascertain “the responsibility of the company and the unjust damage caused by the violation of the duty of diligence, correctness and good faith by continuing the activity for the construction of the bridge over the Strait, despite the work has no real strategic interest and is not feasible from an environmental, structural and economic perspective”.
Finally, there are two appeals al TAR of Lazio. The first was presented by Legambiente, Lipu and WWF Italia, the other by the municipalities of Reggio Calabria and Villa San Giovanni.