Bridge over the Strait, Salvini assures: “it will be done”, start up within 2 years

Bridge over the Strait Salvini assures it will be done

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – “The Bridge over the Strait is absolutely done, the engineers and architects confirm this, it will be the most eco-compatible work in the world because it will save 140,000 CO2 emissions into the air”. Said the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Matteo Salvini interviewed on Rtl 102.5 explaining that “the goal is to start the works within two years, five or six years will be needed to build, so we will arrive by the end of the next legislature”.

The Transport Minister took “the commitment to give safe rules, a taxation worthy of a civilized country, to have the certainty of the law over time and to open the doors of the Municipalities, Provinces, Regions and ministries wide open to serious private investors who do not come here to take and take away but who come here to invest in the most beautiful country in the world”. assured Salvini speaking at the Ryanair press conference a Orio to Serio for the inauguration of two new hangars.

“Good private investments for good public infrastructures. This is the reasoning we are putting into the new procurement code which will be approved, as promised, at the end of March which will put in the hands of mayors a faster tool to tender”
