Brewery in Vimmerby exposed to IT attack

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– At the moment, we are completely at a standstill. Today we produce nothing and distribute nothing either.

It was on Good Friday that the brewery made the discovery. Several of the company’s systems were down. The IT department then carried out an investigation.

– Then we discovered that it was a ransomware attack on our IT systems, says Henrik Dunge and continues:

– You block the computer because you want money.

All production stopped

During the Easter weekend, the company worked internally on how to resolve the situation. As far as he knows, CEO Henrik Dunge has not received any demands.

– We have worked on cleaning up everything that should not be in our computers. We also replace some hardware, which breaks if you encrypt them.

Those affected are the brewery’s customers, i.e. restaurants and restaurateurs.

– What to say, it’s so pointless, says Henrik Dunge.

The breach has been reported to the police and the Data Protection Authority.
