Brevet, baccalaureate: three tips to boost your memory, validated by experts

Brevet baccalaureate three tips to boost your memory validated by

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    Who says June, says revisions and preparation for the Brevet, Baccalaureate, and entrance exams into certain Grandes Ecoles. A period synonymous with stress, sleep disorders, and sometimes even junk food, which can impact memory, attention, and concentration, to the point of being detrimental to you on exam day. Here are three tips and advice to implement to boost these essential skills and get through all the tests.

    On the importance of sleep

    We will never stop repeating it, there is no point in revising until the first light of day to obtain good results in the patent or baccalaureate, quite the contrary. The fatigue accumulated during the last revisions can harm your performance, and have an impact on your concentration and your memory, two essential faculties during exam periods. Many scientific studies have established a link between sleep and improved ability to learn, memorize, or use new knowledge, as revealed by data published by the University of Pennsylvania, in the USA. Which specifies that researchers even linked sleep and exam results in 2019, revealing that the less students slept, the worse their grades were.

    For his part, the B2V Observatory of Memories indicates that it is important to “preserve sleep during revision”, recalling in particular that “at night, [le] the brain relives learning episodes to consolidate them effectively in memory.” And to go even further by recommending naps to students to further boost their abilities. “The short 20-minute nap after lunch It’s not a myth. Digestion requires energy and fatigue… So listen to your body and avoid revision right after meals!”, we can read on the site specializing in the functioning of memory.

    The watchword: concentration

    We’ve all experienced it: neighborhood noise, loud music, or even incessant thoughts can also harm students’ abilities to retain a plethora of information for exams. It is therefore important to ensure that all conditions are met so that attention is focused only on the revisions in progress. To do this, there’s nothing better than isolating yourself in a room, far from the tumult of group revisions, and clearing your mind before diving into your revisions. It is obviously advisable to turn off the music or television – and if possible your phone – so that concentration is optimal – although some people believe they learn better with background noise.

    If your home is poorly insulated, you can, for example, invest in noise-canceling headphones which will isolate you from the rest of the world while you complete this final learning process. Please note, it is not a question of giving up one’s social relationships, on the contrary. The B2V Observatory of Memoirs also recommends “splitting revision times”, with “several episodes (…) lasting around twenty minutes spread over several days“. The idea being not to spend entire days locked away revising, but to intersperse this learning time with activities linked to well-being. This can take the form of sports sessions, cultural activities, or more simply outings with friends.

    Good in his body, good in his head!

    What diet?

    Eat fish, it’s good for your memory!“. We have all heard one day or another this preconceived idea, linked to the phosphorus content of the flesh of certain fish. But scientific studies contradict each other on the subject, the most refractory arguing in particular that the fish is far from being the only food rich in phosphorus – it is also found in dairy products, eggs, certain meats and certain dried vegetables, seeds, and even seafood. Over the last decade, quantity of studies have, however, demonstrated that consuming fish helps improve cognitive functions and fight against cognitive decline.

    In 2014, researchers from the University of Pittsburgh have also suggested that eating baked or grilled fish once a week is beneficial for the brain and against memory loss. An additional fact to take into account during the revisions to put all the chances on your side to shine on the big day.

    10 tips for sleeping well during exams

    Slide: 10 tips for sleeping well during exams
