Brenner at risk of paralysis, Conftrasporto: “Immediate EU meeting between Italy, Austria and Germany”

Brenner at risk of paralysis Conftrasporto Immediate EU meeting between

(Finance) – Brenner at risk of paralysis: contrast transport calls for an urgent meeting at Community level, involving Italy, Germany and Austria. “We have to deal with a situation that has been unsustainable for many years, to which is added the risk of traffic jams along the Brenner route as early as the next few weeks, with the start of the renovation works on the Lueg bridge, on the Tyrolean side of the motorway”, underlines the president of Conftrasporto-Confcommercio Paolo Uggèwhich also leads the Federation of Italian Road Hauliers (FAI).

“While the previous governments for 11 years, despite being solicited, limited themselves to meetings and words without resolving the problem, today we see a decisive interest from the new executive – he continues Uggè –. We urge him to go ahead: Conftrasporto is at his side, but we need to act quickly by proposing a meeting involving the governments of the three European countries as protagonists because in the short term ‘that’ corridor risks being blocked, and Italy would lose a way of exit for its goods, which represent about a third of its production system. Conftrasporto has been fighting for years to reach a solution to the problem of traffic restrictions at the Brenner Pass decided unilaterally by Austria to the detriment of Italy, we have gone as far as the complaint for omission of official acts against Ursula Von Der Leyen. We support the determined initiative of Minister Salvini, but – concludes the president of Conftrasporto – let’s not limit ourselves to just words”.
