Brenner, ANITA: “Satisfaction for the Council of Ministers’ resolution on the appeal against Austria”

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(Telestock) – ANITA, the Confindustria Association representing freight transport and logistics companies, expresses its approval for the resolution approved in today’s Council of Ministers on the initiative of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Matteo Salvini, which authorizes the State Attorney’s Office to proceed to file the appeal against Austria for the limitations on the transit of heavy vehicles along the Brenner axis.

“ANITA notes with satisfaction the decision of the Council of Ministers on the appeal to the EU Court of Justice to put an end to anti-European, illegitimate and unfair competition behavior by Austria, which determines both a competitive advantage of Austrian products on European markets compared to Italian ones, and the unequal treatment of Italian carriers compared to Austrian ones. The aim is therefore to re-establish the fundamental European right to the free movement of goods and people” states Thomas Baumgartner, past president of ANITA with responsibility for Brenner.

“I would like to express once again my warmest thanks to the Italian Executive, which, at the instigation of Minister Salvini, has given the State Attorney’s Office the mandate to hand over to the European Justice the appeal against Austria for the violation of the obligations established by the Treaty on the Functioning of the Union through the application of unilateral bans at the Brenner Pass. The start of the procedure represents a historic event for national road haulage, which after years of abuses can hope for the concrete recognition of the fundamental rights of free movement and competition within the European Union – he declares Riccardo Morelli, President of ANITA –. We therefore hope that justice will take its course and that in the meantime attention on the crossing of the Alps will also involve other borders. The permeability of the entire Alpine arc is central to trade between Northern and Southern Europe and, nevertheless, to the competitiveness of the Italian economy”.
