Bredängbon Zohra about the shooting death: “Everyone wonders why?”

A man in his 40s was found early Monday morning badly injured outside a residential building in Bredäng. He was taken to hospital but later died from his injuries. Relatives have been notified.

Mother-of-two Zohra Ben Omar had just dropped her daughter off at school when they found out what had happened. The crime scene is near a park where the daughter usually goes to play.

– It feels really scary. We are usually out walking at this time and the kids go to school.

– I also have many friends who go to work at that time, so it’s really scary. You think that it could have happened to you yourself, Zohra continues.

“Can meet anyone”

She says that recent gun violence and gang crime have left their mark among residents in the area. She herself is afraid of being hit by a misfire.

– It can hit anyone and that is what is risky. You cannot walk or move freely.

– It’s not just me but many who live here who feel unsafe because so much has happened in such a short time.

Last Sunday, a man was shot in Flemingsberg, who is said to be seriously injured.

“Constantly thinking about their children”

She describes Bredäng as a nice area with lots of nature and nice people. But there are many parents in the area who feel a growing concern about gang crime, especially if you have teenagers, says Zohra.

– You think about your children all the time. I don’t want to wake up in the morning to someone calling and saying something has happened to them, she says.

– Why? We all wonder why. But we have no answers.
